Current Issue : April - June Volume : 2015 Issue Number : 2 Articles : 6 Articles
The purpose of this study was to increase the quality of product by focusing on the machine efficiency improvement. The principle\nof the reliability centeredmaintenance (RCM) was applied to increase themachine reliability.The objective was to create preventive\nmaintenance plan under reliability centeredmaintenance method and to reduce defects. The study target was set to reduce the Lead\nPPM for a test machine by simulating the proposed preventive maintenance plan.The simulation optimization approach based on\nevolutionary algorithms was employed for the preventive maintenance technique selection process to select the PM interval that\ngave the best total cost and Lead PPM values. The research methodology includes procedures such as following the priority of\ncritical components in test machine, analyzing the damage and risk level by using Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA),\ncalculating the suitable replacement period through reliability estimation, and optimizing the preventive maintenance plan. From\nthe result of the study it is shown that the Lead PPM of test machine can be reduced. The cost of preventive maintenance, cost of\ngood product, and cost of lost product were decreased....
To identify neurological characteristics in accordance with anxiety under the interaction between emotion and attention, this\nstudy examines major ERP components when participants identify a target number by inhibiting task-irrelevant emotional face\ndistractors. Experiments were conducted once per day at the same time for two days with 19 healthy adult men and women as\nrequired to study emotion-attention interaction. In this study, a variety of ERP components such as P100, N200, and P300 during\nexperiment are significant.The amplitude and latency of the N200 component reflect both state and trait anxiety at all positions.\nThis characteristic specially is prominently featured at Cz. Also, the latency of the late P300 component reflects the trait anxiety\nrather than state anxiety.The result of this study can help our understanding of the neurological responses related to anxiety during\nattentional control....
Multi objective optimization methods for routing in static wireless mesh networks(WMNs), with more than oneQoS measure to be\noptimized, are highly challenging. To optimize the performance for a given end-to-end route in a static network, the most common\nmetrics that need to be optimized or bounded are the path capacity and the end-to-end delay. In this work, we focus on combining\ndesirable properties of these two metrics by minimizing a weighted metrics sum via a Dijkstra-based algorithm. The approach is\ndirected towards fast convergence rather than optimality. It is shown that the resulting algorithm provides more satisfactory results\nthan simple Dijkstra-based pruning algorithms in terms of simultaneously achieving high capacity and small delay. The effect of\nchanging the weighting factor on the proposed algorithm performance is investigated....
Aspect-oriented modeling and simulation is a new approach which uses the separation of concerns principle to enhance the quality\nof models and simulation tools. It adopts the separation of concerns (SOC) principle.Thus, crosscutting concerns such as processes\nsynchronization, steady state detection, and graphical animation could be separated from simulation functional modules. The\ncapture of crosscutting concerns in a modular way is carried out to cope with complexity and to achieve the required engineering\nquality factors such as robustness, modularity, adaptability, and reusability. This paper provides a summary of aspect-oriented\nparadigm with its usage in simulation by illustrating the main crosscutting concerns that may infect simulation systems. A practical\nexample is given with the use of the Japrosim discrete event simulation library....
This paper presents the design of a SystemC transaction level modelling wrapping library that can be used for the assertion\nof system properties, protocol compliance, or fault injection. The library uses C++ virtual table hooks as a dynamic binary\ninstrumentation technique to inline wrappers in the TLM2 transaction path. This technique can be applied after the elaboration\nphase and needs neither source code modifications nor recompilation of the top level SystemC modules. The proposed technique\nhas been successfully applied to the robustness verification of the on-board boot software of the Instrument Control Unit of the\nSolar Orbiter�s Energetic Particle Detector....
The microstructure of porous materials used in heterogeneous catalysis determines themass transport inside networks, whichmay\nvary over many length scales. The theoretical prediction of mass transport phenomena in porous materials, however, is incomplete\nand is still not completely understood. Therefore, experimental data for every specific porous system is needed. One possible\nexperimental technique for characterizing the mass transport in such pore networks is pulse experiments. The general evaluation\nof experimental outcomes of these techniques follows the solution of Fick�s second law where an integral and effective diffusion\ncoefficient is recognized. However, a detailed local understanding of diffusion and sorption processes remains a challenge. As\nthere is lack of proved models covering different length scales, existing classical concepts need to be evaluated with respect to\ntheir ability to reflect local geometries on the nanometer level. In this study, DSMC (Direct Simulation Monte Carlo) models were\nused to investigate the impact of pore microstructures on the diffusion behaviour of gases. It can be understood as a virtual pulse\nexperiment within a single pore or a combination of different pore geometries....